Chile Foam Crostini Recipe

This crostini infuses the heat, smokiness and flavor of dried chiles into canola oil, which is then thickened into a foam. It is also a good topping for grilled meats or as a spicy spread for fresh bread. This process of infusing oil with flavors before thickening it leads to countless variations you can adapt to any dish.

I really enjoy ancho peppers for a fruity flavor, chipotle for a more smokey flavor, or for more spice something like arbol, Tien Tsin, or cayenne peppers. Feel free to use any chile peppers you prefer.

Chile pepper oil foam.jpg

Modernist Tools, Ingredients, and Techniques Used

If you would like more information about the modernist techniques, ingredients, and equipment used in the chile foam crostini recipe you can check out the following.

Also, if you are just getting started experimenting with molecular gastronomy and modernist cuisine then I highly recommend one of these molecular gastronomy kits. They have everything you need to do many different dishes.

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Chile Foam Crostini Recipe

  • Published: January 27, 2015
  • By Jason Logsdon
  • Prep Time: 15 Minutes
  • Total Time: 3 Hours
  • Makes: Tops 30-50 crostini

Chile Foam Crostini Ingredients

Because they use modernist ingredients, these amounts are given in metric by weight. For more information on how to measure modernist ingredients check out this article.

For the Chile Oil

300g canola oil
2-4 dried chile peppers, seeds removed, coarsely chopped
100g onion, coarsely chopped
15g garlic, coarsely chopped
Salt and pepper

For the Foam

300g chile oil, from above
15g mono and diglyceride (glycerin) flakes, 5.0%

To Assemble

Basic Crostini Base
Dried chile peppers, sliced
Basil leaves

Chile Foam Crostini Instructions

For the Chile Oil

Combine the canola oil, chile peppers, onion, and garlic in a pot set over medium heat. Salt and pepper them then cook for 15 minutes, until the onions soften. If you want a more flavorful oil you can now puree the mixture with a blender.

Strain the canola oil to remove the solids.

For the Foam

Return the oil to the pot and place back on medium heat. Add the glycerin flakes and stir until they have melted. Remove the pot from the heat and carefully pour into a heat resistant whipping siphon. If you prefer, you can let the oil cool to room temperature before pouring.

Seal and charge the whipped siphon then refrigerate it for several hours. Once cold, the oil will be ready to dispense but it will last in the refrigerator for several days.

To Assemble

Place the crostini base on a serving plate, or individual plates. Dispense a line of chile foam on the crostini then top with basil leaves and dried chile pepper slices.

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All tags for this article: Appetizer, Crostini, Flavored Oil, Foam, Infusions, Mono and Diglycerides, Mono and Diglycerides Oil Foam Recipes, Party Foods, Whipping Siphon, Whipping Siphon Foams, Whipping Siphon Infusions

Jason logsdon headshot This article is by me, Jason Logsdon. I'm an adventurous home cook and professional blogger who loves to try new things, especially when it comes to cooking. I've explored everything from sous vide and whipping siphons to pressure cookers and blow torches; created foams, gels and spheres; made barrel aged cocktails and brewed beer. I have also written 10 cookbooks on modernist cooking and sous vide and I run the website.
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