About Jason Logsdon

Want to work with me? Here's a few ways people and brands work with me!

Hi there! I'm Jason Logsdon and my goal is to help you create amazing food at home!

Jason logsdon headshot

My name is Jason Logsdon and I'm a passionate home cook who loves to try new things, especially when it comes to cooking. However, I'm not the type of cook who enjoys trying out "experiments" just to see what works. I'll let Ferran Adria and Nathan Myhrvold handle that. I'd much rather take existing knowledge, distill it down to easy-to-follow concepts, and apply it successfully to my own cooking. Then I can share that knowledge with you so you can amaze your family and friends!

Alton brown jason logsdon event

Unfortunately, while being beautiful to look at, most of the modernist cooking and sous vide literature can't be described as "easy-to-follow", especially for a beginner in modernist cooking. I struggled to find anywhere that explained the foundation or basic building blocks of modernist cooking. This led me to do my own research, start this website, and write several books.

Jason logsdon dave arnold

In my writing I try to keep things simple, my website and books focus on explaining things in a way even my mother-in-law can understand (Hi Kathy!). My dishes might not be as inventive as Thomas Keller's but hopefully they will successfully illustrate the concepts that underpin sous vide and modernist cooking, allowing you to gain the information you need to start using sous vide and modernist techniques more in your everyday cooking.

I hope you'll follow along with me so we can learn and grow together. And if you want to work with me here's a few ways people and brands work with me!

Thanks, and happy cooking!

Jason Logsdon

P.S. - If you'd like to get more information about what I'm up to in sous vide and modernist cooking, you can subscribe to my newsletter.

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Jason logsdon headshot This article is by me, Jason Logsdon. I'm an adventurous home cook and professional blogger who loves to try new things, especially when it comes to cooking. I've explored everything from sous vide and whipping siphons to pressure cookers and blow torches; created foams, gels and spheres; made barrel aged cocktails and brewed beer. I have also written 10 cookbooks on modernist cooking and sous vide and I run the AmazingFoodMadeEasy.com website.
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