How Do You Sous Vide Schnitzel - Ask Jason

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Schnitzel and sous vide, how does this work when you pound thin, sous vide, then fry. Is it worth sous viding it? - Paul McLester

Note: The following article is an edited transcript from the video.

It definitely works. Cole Wagoner did one a few weeks ago and said it was brilliantly crispy. I've done both sous vide chicken Parmesan and chicken piccata, but not schnitzel.

Sous vide chicken parmigiana

The first thing I would do is NOT pound it too thin for a sous vide cook.

When you're doing something like schnitzel traditionally cooked, you want to make sure you get it really thin so when you fry it, you're not going to burn the coating while you cook the meat through. If you cook through the meat with sous vide, then you don't really have to worry about the sear as much. You just have to make sure that you give it the correct amount of crunchy, which is a lot easier. I did my sous vide chicken parm 1 inch thick instead of just the normal 1/2 inch thick. This turned out a lot juicier, moister and probably healthier since it had less coating per inch of chicken on it.

I would do the same thing with schnitzel. I'd do it a little bit thicker because you're not worried about it cooking all the way through during the sear. If you want it in a more traditional manner and you do go real thin, I would recommend chilling it off in an ice bath or cold water before you coat it and sear it. By leaving it in the bag and chilling it, you will have a little more time to sear without it overcooking the middle.

Anova precision circulator sous vide square

Hopefully Cole will post a recipe in the Exploring Sous Vide Facebook Group at some point and we can see what he did. He may disagree completely with what I'm saying, but that's how I would approach it for the first time.

If you like this you can get more than 85 inspiring recipes to get you on your way to sous vide success. It's all in my best selling book Modernist Cooking Made Easy: Sous Vide - Get Your Copy Today!

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All tags for this article: Ask Jason, Sous Vide, Sous Vide Chicken , Sous Vide Chicken Breast

Jason logsdon headshot This article is by me, Jason Logsdon. I'm an adventurous home cook and professional blogger who loves to try new things, especially when it comes to cooking. I've explored everything from sous vide and whipping siphons to pressure cookers and blow torches; created foams, gels and spheres; made barrel aged cocktails and brewed beer. I have also written 10 cookbooks on modernist cooking and sous vide and I run the website.
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