Sous Vide Time and Temperature Charts

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How to Sous Vide Quinoa

I usually combine 1/2 cup Quinoa with 2/3 cup liquid and cook it at 185°F (85°C) for 20 minutes.


I recommend checkout out my guide for how to sous vide Quinoa for more information.

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What is the Best Sous Vide Quinoa Temperatures and Times?

I usually combine 1/2 cup Quinoa with 2/3 cup liquid and cook it at 185°F (85°C) for 20 minutes.
  • Standard: 185°F (85°C) for 20 minutes (85.0ºC)

Do you have experience cooking quinoa? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Looking for more grains and dough? Check out the sous vide grains and dough time and temperatures for all the sous vide information you need.

What Are Some Sous Vide Quinoa Recipes?

Here are several of the Quinoa recipes that I recommend trying out.

Sous Vide Porridge with Berries Recipe

Sous Vide Porridge with Berries Recipe image Porridge and oatmeal are very similar to each other, with the main difference being that porridge often contains multiple types of grains. This one combines quick cooking steel cut oats, quinoa, and bulgur, but you can use any combination of grains that cook about the same amount of time. I add some milk as well for a creamier result top it all off with some berries, almonds, maple syrup and fresh mint.

Sous Vide Quinoa Comments

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