How to Make Whipped Cream with a Whipping Siphon

I recently purchased an iSi whipping siphon for easier creation of foams and also to carbonate various liquids. One of the first things I used it for was to create whipped cream (how can you not start there!).

I've made homemade whipped cream for years using anything from a whisk to a standing mixer with the whisk attachment. Making whipped cream with the cream whipper was definitely the easiest method I've used.

Whipped cream from an isi siphon

Components of Whipped Cream

There are only a few components to worry about when making whipped cream with a whipping siphon.

The Cream

Traditionally for whipped cream you use heavy cream or whipping cream. However, with some of the modernist ingredients you can actually make delicious whipped creams using lower fat milks. We will cover them in a separate article so for now we will focus on using heavy or whipping creams.

The Stabilizer

The key to a good whipped cream is to make sure it stays stable. A runny whipped cream isn't nearly as tasty as one with nice soft peaks. In traditional whipped creams you can add sugar, either table sugar or confectioners sugar, which also contains corn starch. For modernist whipped creams you can also use xanthan gum, gelatin, or carrageenan, among several other stabilizers.

The Flavoring

Plain whipped cream can be excellent but sometimes some added flavor is great. This can be anything from the usual ingredients like vanilla or lemon juice to to more exotic like key lime juice, or even savory flavorings like curry or chile peppers.

How to Make Whipped Cream with a Whipping Siphon

Siphon whipped cream

While the exact process can vary depending on the stabilizer you use in general making whipped cream with a whipping siphon is very easy.

You simply mix together all the ingredients and then pour them into the whipping siphon. Charge the siphon with a nitrous charge, or two for a quart canister. You can then refrigerate the iSi canister until you are ready to use it.

When you are ready to dispense the whipped cream shake the canister a few times, hold it upside down and dispense the whipped cream. That's all there is to it.

Siphon Whipped Cream Articles

Shortcakes with Agar Fruit Gels and Siphon Whipped Cream

Shortcakes with Agar Fruit Gels and Siphon Whipped Cream  image One of my favorite spring dishes is shortcakes with fresh fruits or berries. The other day I decided to take advantage of some great looking berries and made a variety of shortcakes. To make them more modern, and to work on some recipes for my upcoming book, I used some whipping siphon foams and agar agar fruit gels.

Key Lime Siphon Whipped Cream Recipe

Key Lime Siphon Whipped Cream Recipe image For my father-in-law's birthday we were going to be having mud pie for dessert so I decided to make a key lime whipped cream to go on it. I decided to use my iSi whipping siphon so I could show it off. The process of making traditional whip cream with it is very easy.

Jason logsdon headshot This article is by me, Jason Logsdon. I'm an adventurous home cook and professional blogger who loves to try new things, especially when it comes to cooking. I've explored everything from sous vide and whipping siphons to pressure cookers and blow torches; created foams, gels and spheres; made barrel aged cocktails and brewed beer. I have also written 10 cookbooks on modernist cooking and sous vide and I run the website.
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