Sous Vide Stars
One of the interesting things about running a site dedicated to sous vide is all the great people I get to talk to and learn from. In order to share some of this information we're going to be doing a "Sous Vide Stars" interview series.
We're going to be talking to various people about sous vide, including chefs, equipment manufacturers, bloggers, and even regular home cooks that have something to say. We'll post the interviews here so everyone can hear what these people have to say about how they use sous vide, where they think the technique is going, and about how they apply it in their lives.
If there is anyone you would like us to interview, or if you'd like to talk to us yourself,
please let us know!
Our Sous Vide Stars Interviews

Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades are the creators of the
Sous Vide Supreme water oven, nutritional specialists with a
new book out, and sous vide enthusiasts. They recently gave me some of their time to answer my questions about the Sous Vide Supreme, the direction of their company, and how they use sous vide.

There are a lot of food blogs out there, and many good sous vide websites.
SVKitchen, a collaboration by Pam McKinstry, Sally MacColl, Pete Johnson, and Suzette Mahr, is the rare combination of both. They have recipes for common dishes like ribs, duck, and chicken to dishes most people would never think of doing sous vide. They are one of my must-read websites and they were gracious enough to answer some questions I had for them.

In this installment of Sous Vide Stars I talk to Philip Preston from
PolyScience. Philip has helped drive the creation of several home and professional items that are out of the normal realm of kitchen appliances such as their Smoking Gun, AntiGriddle, and recently their Sous Vide Professional immersion circulator.

Becky Selengut is the
Chef Reinvented, a chef, author, and teacher. She was an avowed hater of sous vide until she decided to see for herself what all the fuss was about. Now, while still not a huge fan, she has at least embraced some aspects of sous vide.

I recently had the opportunity to interview Frank Hsu from
Fresh Meals Solutions, maker of the
SousVideMagic. Frank was kind enough to answer some questions I had, I hope you all find the answers as interesting as I did.

Today's interview is with Daniel, one half of the team from
Underground Circulators. Underground Circulators makes lower cost immersion circulators for sous vide enthusiasts. If you want to see one in action, Snake river farms will be featuring one at the caterer source trade show in Las Vegas at booth #933.

Today's interview is with Duncan Werner from
ICA Kitchen, makers of the SideKIC immersion circulator for home cooks.
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Sous Vide
This article is by me, Jason Logsdon. I'm an adventurous home cook and professional blogger who loves to try new things, especially when it comes to cooking. I've explored everything from sous vide and whipping siphons to pressure cookers and blow torches; created foams, gels and spheres; made barrel aged cocktails and brewed beer. I have also written 10 cookbooks on modernist cooking and sous vide and I run the website.
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