Modernist Potluck: August Heat
If you're interested in discovering more detailed information on sous vide cooking chicken breasts, check out this comprehensive article recently released by The Food Lab. Here's a couple of recipes you can put your new found sous vide knowledge to work on when preparing: chicken piccata with lemon-caper air or chicken with teriyaki sauce.

Appliance Science takes a fun look at the modernist cooking technique of spherification and applies it to making edible water bottles! You can also find more information on how to do this yourself in my article on spherification.
Summer time is that time of year when you can't get enough decadent but refreshing ice cream - here's 4 great homemade recipes that will put the store bought dessert to shame.
Pizza is a main staple of life regardless of the time of year. So I'm always looking to pick up a new tip for making my homemade pizza with the bonus of using up some of my garden bounty! Here's a great secret from for making successful zucchini pizza.
And speaking of veggies, do you enjoy wandering around your local farmers markets in the summer? If so, don't distress if you occasionally run across unusual produce you're not sure what to do with; it happens to everyone. The Salt by walks you through the details of a few of the more unusual ones. Here's a few of my favorite recipes to use with your fresh produce: roasted parsnips with carrot forth, orange-saffron fennel confit, carrot planks with pea pudding, and sous vide butter-poached beet salad.
Sustainability of our food chain is currently a hot topic being discussed across the culinary industry. This article highlights the activities of New York City's leading chefs who are actively working to sustain the fish population by using overlooked and abundantly available local fish on their high-end restaurant menus.
Check out this interesting study; it shows that Data Science can be used to create new and innovative recipes by matching ingredients in a flavor network to determine new food pairing combinations. Once new recipes are developed they will need to be tested though some worry that this process is a dying art.
Hope you are enjoying your summer!
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This article is by me, Jason Logsdon. I'm an adventurous home cook and professional blogger who loves to try new things, especially when it comes to cooking. I've explored everything from sous vide and whipping siphons to pressure cookers and blow torches; created foams, gels and spheres; made barrel aged cocktails and brewed beer. I have also written 10 cookbooks on modernist cooking and sous vide and I run the website.
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