Making it warmer without cooking it!
Asked by uk1 on Thursday, November 18
I'm thoroughly enjoying my Sous Vide Supreme but I have a challenge I'd appreciate some help resolving.
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<br />Clearly if I have cooked something to 134F then when I remove it the hotest it will be is just that! So how do experienced cooks suggest meat or fish can be warmed to an eating temperature without further cooking it?
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<br />Any help appreciated.
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<br />Jeff
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4 Answers to This Question
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I've found that if I try to minimize the time it's out of the sous vide water bath and seared it stays nice and hot. If I leave it out for too long then it seems to cool off to much and just tastes luke warm.
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<br />If you need to keep it hot for awhile you can always put it into a warm oven to keep the temperature up once you take it out of the sous vide bath.
Answered by Jason Logsdon on Thursday, November 18
Hi, i subscibe to immediate serving after searing as mentioned above, but then add, that hot plates should be used!
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Answered by HenrikC on Sunday, October 16
Different meats have different requirements, but for most the temperature of the water bath would be an ideal serving temperature. This isn't useful because the meat needs browning before serving. The browning is done by searing--in a frying pan, on a grill or broiler. To about overcooking during the browning, the meat should be cooled for several minutes when removed from the water bath. All this warming/cooling/browning may sound complicated, but in reality it can be an elegant and relaxed way to cook. The time spent browning/searing the meat is very short, so less time is spent at the stove or grill. More important, the cooking time is less critical because at that point it is already impossible to serve the dish over-raw, and the only trouble you go to is to cool off the meat when it comes out of the bag and pat dry with paper towels. Then you flip it to put nice diamond-shaped grill marks--preparing with just enough cooking time to make it look and smell appealing but stopping far short to cooking it through. The key is not to minimize the time out of the water bath but to intentionally cool the meat for several minutes. Browning it heats it to a nice serving temperature.
Answered by Leigh Jones on Monday, June 17
By the way, a good serving temperature is 110-120 degrees.
Answered by Leigh Jones on Monday, June 17
You can also find a lot of sous vide information, as well as over 100 recipes, in our book
Beginning Sous Vide which you can get at or as a
pdf download.