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Information for Savory

Satureja or savory is a plant genus that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. There are about 30 different species of this aromatic plant, all of which are considered savories. This includes both Summer and Winter savory which are the most popular types.
Generally, savory species grow in warm climates and may either be annual or perennial, growing in shrubs or upright. These have leaves that are about 1/2" to 1" (1-3 cm) in length. Savory flowers grow in spirals around the stem and are usually white to light pink in color.
The flavor of savory may depend on the variety. However in general, these have a pungent and spicy taste. Summer savory also has a taste that is similar to marjoram while Winter savory is stronger and may be likened to a cross between mint and thyme.
The milder flavor of Summer savory is often favored over that of Winter savory, but both are suitable for cooking. Savory is used in a wide variety of cuisines including Acadian, Italian and Romanian to name a few. Often associated as a spice for vegetables and beans, it can also be used for pates and soups. It goes well with meat, fish, poultry, lamb, rabbit, goat cheese, peas and many more.
Photo Credit: perlmonger
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